1.sea 2.noon 3.snow

Arduino-powered mini sumobot

I came across an article on instructables by Angelo (aka ASCAS) where he discusses building a mini sumobot powered by an Arduino.  The one in the article also features bluetooth connectivity so it can be controlled via smartphone, but the autonomous portion of the robot is relevant to our club's uses.  I decided to try building something similar, expecting it to be significantly cheaper than using the Mindstorms sets, and it should also be more powerful as we can use bigger motors.

Project Books and Posters

We are asking members to complete the 4H Project Book and make a poster for display at the fair prior to the competition registration deadline in February.  For most of the members using the NXT kits, the project book is available online, and we have also mirrored it on our site.  TheEV3 book is not currently available online.  Please note that we will be providing copies of both the NXT and EV3 books to members (the club is covering t

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