
Members using their own computers with the club robotics kits will need to install the LEGO Mindstorms software.  This is available for download at the following locations (we have mirrored the Windows versions on this site as well, in case the links ever go away.)


Please be sure to read the installation instructions.  You can burn the file to a CD, or use 7-zip to extract it and run the setup.exe file.

Official LEGO Site (version 2.0)


For those that are using the Mindstorms NXT 2.1 Educational software, you will most likely encounter the following error:

Error:1003 The required file is broken

You will need to install the patched version of the software, which can be found here.  Note that NXT 2.1 will already need to be installed on your computer.


Note that the links are for downloads of the Home Edition, which is available on the LEGO website.  We have the Educational version for club computers, but because of licensing issues, cannot provide it for download.  The Home Edition will work completely fine for club projects.

Official LEGO download page

Mirror of the Home Edition

LEGO Digital Designer

The LEGO Digital Designer is a 3D application for creating LEGO designs.  It will then tell you what parts are needed to build the object, and provide step-by-step instructions for building.

Official LEGO download page


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